Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I am in college working on a degree in IT. I am not motivated to do homework or study. Not only that, it is so difficult to study when I can't remember any of it anyway. This is one of the reasons I didn't go to college in the first place. I don't like taking medications and there are to many side effects that I don't want to wait and see what the long term ones are like. I was taking 2000 mg of Tryptophan every day which helped a lot. It also helped with my depression that I fight everyday.

I just started a new USANA business. ( is my website) I am testing out the products and recommendations for ADHD. It has already started helping and has only been a month. I stopped taking the tryptophan which is a stupid move in the middle of a school semester. I do stupid things all the time, thats why I am so much fun.

I also have a job interview tomorrow with a company for a Systems support TEch job. I am currently working at Medi-Flex Inc as a contractor. They promised to hire me on and replaced my manager, now I won't have a job soon. So much for a company to rely on.


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