Why We Attacked Iraq.
You will see a couple things about this company, Halliburton. Between 90-91 (1990-1991), there is a pretty big peak. The largest seen in the company up to that point. Why did it drop very low toward the end of 91? Maybe Because Bush failed to take Iraq? Maybe, or Maybe I just don't know what I am talking about.
95-00 (1995-2000) There is an increase and a very high peak. I am not sure what all happened between these times. This is the time that George Bush was in office as Govenor of Texas. I don't know how that relates to the stock increase of Halliburton.
Look at 01-02 (2001-2002). The company took a hard hit. After that, the stock skyrocketed. Why? Because they finally got into Iraq? Is this why we have to stay there because their company has to continue to over charge the country and make loads of profits?
Is this why we have to go to war with these countries because of how profitable it is? Sure does look like it.
This is part of an article that I read. It really confirms what I have been saying.
Halliburton, recall, is the company that has made the most money of any private
enterprise off of the Iraq War--$27 billion to date, most of it in the form of
extraordinarily profitable no-bid contracts (the company earned a record $2.3
billion last year alone). It is also Vice President Dick Cheney's company. He
headed it for five years before deciding to go into "public service" as
President Bush's regent in 2001, and he continued to receive compensation from
the company, and to hold options for Halliburton stock well into his vice
presidency, refusing even to put his holdings into a blind trust, as wealthy
political figures normally do to ensure that they don't make decisions based
upon considerations of personal gain.
I think Chenney knows how profitable the Middle East is, thats why he moved this company to Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
If you are interested in an opposing opinion to what I have wrote, then you can read this article on national review. The writer says Halliburton is not getting rich off of the war.
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