Thursday, March 30, 2006

That Day is Ending

It is almost 5pm. I will be leaving to go home soon. I don't like job interviews. I can't stand the fact of going and proving to someone that they need me there. I have to go and put on a show to get the job. I thought interviews were about finding out if you want this person to work for you. What you really get is a big act with an exaggerated resume. The best actor wins. I was asked a question, Where do you see yourself in 5 years. How do you answer, Financially free and working for myself with passive income? I don't think that will work to well. The guy was really nice.

I do very well when I go in and we talk about the company and the job and then my experience. It is rare to get that kind of interview anymore. Now adays they talk about the company and job but then they want to ask situational questions. Tell me about a time when.......... I can't remember this morning and now i am suppose to remember some time back of a situation. What a loss. They may call me back. The guy said it is a 3 step interview process. Great, CASTING CALL. Lets see which actor has what it takes to hang around. I was doing very well with life until this company Medi-Flex told me that they are not hiring me and that is it. My life fell apart at that momemnt and now I am working to pick up the pieces. I have to work on my goals and all that great stuff.

Maybe I can go work in a factory. Do they ask these kinds of questions in interviews?


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