Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Support Our Troops, The Way They Need It

Whether or not you are for the war, we all need to support our troops. Some of the reasons that we bring down country leaders like Saddam, our own government and military are doing the same things to our innocent troops.

These audios are from Alex Jones radio program with Dr. Doug Rokke. You don't want to miss this. Our troops need us and you need to hear this.








This is the picture that Dr Rokke was talking about in the 911 Comission Report. I am not quite sure what he is saying about it. Here is my guess. he is saying, look at this picture. There is no way a plane did that. It looks like a bomb took that building out. It reminds me of the Oklahoma City bombing in some ways.

He says that there is no way a plane it went into. You want to see this interview that was done with a police officer on duty. He saw the whole thing.

You will want to watch the whole program and all of the interviews.

Drills on the Mornings of Major Terrorist Attack?

This is way to weird. Two major terrorist attacks that happened in New York and London both had drills of the same exact terrorist attack that happened in that day.

There was a drill of planes that were hijacked and flown into the world trade center and the pentagon the morning of 9/11. These same drills were performed previous to this day up to 5 years ago.

Not sure what to think or how to feel. Tell me what you think about this.

As another point of view, maybe the government wants people to think they have full control of these things. This can be a tactic to scare others.

How about the Central Bankers that run most of the world? They like war to make them money. They own the media and put propaganda out there against whoever they want. Maybe the are the ones financing all of the terrorism.

The central bankers are the World bank, the bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank and so on.

to learn the complete history and power of these bankers, you have to watch the 2 vol dvd documentary by the money masters. You owe it to yourself.

How about the same thing that happend in the London bombing in 2006?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Secret History of the Credit Card

Do you have a credit card? Does someone you know have one? I am willing to bet that you answer to one of those questions is yes. I came across this PBS documentary about the history of the credit card. I had no Idea. I bet you don't either.

You must inform yourself about the credit card industry and the control that it has over us. Do you think the Federal Government is here to protect you? After watching this, you will see that they are working for the Bankers and not us. Why do you think there were new bankruptcy laws put in place in 2005?

It makes it almost impossible to file bankruptcy without losing your possessions.

You must watch this 5 part documentary series. It is in high or low resolution.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Authorized Version of Freedom to Facism

Here you can watch Aaron Russo's Freedom to Facism. It deals with the IRS and Federal Reserve system and why it needs to be stopped.

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

You need to understand how the federal Reserve and Banking system works. If you don't know, then you don't know how destructive it is for our country. We are being robbed and we aren't paying attention. You can watch this video to get started with your education.

Ron Paul for President

If changing the way our country runs and does business is good for our country, then Ron Paul needs to be next President. He understands the Federal Reserve system and how the IRS frauds people by illegally taking their money. Alex Jones from did an interview with him.

He also understands the American Union and how all of these need to be stopped.

Listen to this interview now.

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2

Interview Part 3

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mexico, Canada, Unite States, The North American Union

There are secret meetings taking place between 3 countries, Mexico, Canada, and the United states. It is being said that the 3 countries will integrate to become the North American Union. It will end up being the same concept as the European Union. Eventually if this goes through it could lead to a merge of the North American Union and the European Union to continue into the One World order where the banks, like world bank, Federal reserve bank, swiss bank, and so on own everything jointly.

Anyway, you can read a
Canadian article about this topic and do more searches in the news. The Amero may be created to replace the Peso, US dollar and the Can $.

This is probably why our borders aren't secure. All preparation for open borders between the 3 countries uniting.

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