Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Drills on the Mornings of Major Terrorist Attack?

This is way to weird. Two major terrorist attacks that happened in New York and London both had drills of the same exact terrorist attack that happened in that day.

There was a drill of planes that were hijacked and flown into the world trade center and the pentagon the morning of 9/11. These same drills were performed previous to this day up to 5 years ago.

Not sure what to think or how to feel. Tell me what you think about this.

As another point of view, maybe the government wants people to think they have full control of these things. This can be a tactic to scare others.

How about the Central Bankers that run most of the world? They like war to make them money. They own the media and put propaganda out there against whoever they want. Maybe the are the ones financing all of the terrorism.

The central bankers are the World bank, the bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank and so on.

to learn the complete history and power of these bankers, you have to watch the 2 vol dvd documentary by the money masters. You owe it to yourself.

How about the same thing that happend in the London bombing in 2006?


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