Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Support Our Troops, The Way They Need It

Whether or not you are for the war, we all need to support our troops. Some of the reasons that we bring down country leaders like Saddam, our own government and military are doing the same things to our innocent troops.

These audios are from Alex Jones radio program with Dr. Doug Rokke. You don't want to miss this. Our troops need us and you need to hear this.








This is the picture that Dr Rokke was talking about in the 911 Comission Report. I am not quite sure what he is saying about it. Here is my guess. he is saying, look at this picture. There is no way a plane did that. It looks like a bomb took that building out. It reminds me of the Oklahoma City bombing in some ways.

He says that there is no way a plane it went into. You want to see this interview that was done with a police officer on duty. He saw the whole thing.

You will want to watch the whole program and all of the interviews.


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