Thursday, March 29, 2007

Why We Attacked Iraq.

I have heard some different reasons why we wen't into Iraq. Since it has been said that they did not have WMD's and others noted that there is not a connection of Saddam to 9/11 (September 11, 2001), then why? Yea, Saddam was a horrible dictator but so is many other leaders. Why did we select Saddam? If you read Confessions of an Economic Hitman, the picture becomes clear.

Bush Sr. sent a note to Saddam that he can take Quwait. Once he did this, Bush went to fight Iraq. He had hopes to take out the Iraqi army with intentions to take over the country. He didn't like it that Iraq would not go along with the West's plot to control the oil fields.

Since bush wasn't successful, he had to wait. Hmmm, his son stepped up to finish his job. Iran and Iraq both wouldn't go along with the West's plans and oddly enough, we have taken over Iraq and shortly we will be attacking Iran.

Lets take a look at this company's stock prices (Halliburton) that the Bush's have links to (possible stock ownership?) and Chenney is in ownership (former CEO?) of (I think through large portion of stocks). I know that my findings will be of interest to you.

Click on the image for a larger view. You will want to see the details.

Halliburton Stocks

You will see a couple things about this company, Halliburton. Between 90-91 (1990-1991), there is a pretty big peak. The largest seen in the company up to that point. Why did it drop very low toward the end of 91? Maybe Because Bush failed to take Iraq? Maybe, or Maybe I just don't know what I am talking about.

95-00 (1995-2000) There is an increase and a very high peak. I am not sure what all happened between these times. This is the time that George Bush was in office as Govenor of Texas. I don't know how that relates to the stock increase of Halliburton.

Look at 01-02 (2001-2002). The company took a hard hit. After that, the stock skyrocketed. Why? Because they finally got into Iraq? Is this why we have to stay there because their company has to continue to over charge the country and make loads of profits?

Is this why we have to go to war with these countries because of how profitable it is? Sure does look like it.

This is part of an article that I read. It really confirms what I have been saying.

Halliburton, recall, is the company that has made the most money of any private
enterprise off of the Iraq War--$27 billion to date, most of it in the form of
extraordinarily profitable no-bid contracts (the company earned a record $2.3
billion last year alone). It is also Vice President Dick Cheney's company. He
headed it for five years before deciding to go into "public service" as
President Bush's regent in 2001, and he continued to receive compensation from
the company, and to hold options for Halliburton stock well into his vice
presidency, refusing even to put his holdings into a blind trust, as wealthy
political figures normally do to ensure that they don't make decisions based
upon considerations of personal gain.

I think Chenney knows how profitable the Middle East is, thats why he moved this company to Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

If you are interested in an opposing opinion to what I have wrote, then you can read this article on national review. The writer says Halliburton is not getting rich off of the war.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Why is America The Great Satan?

I had no idea why people thought America is an evil empire. As an American citizen, I just had no idea. I know there is corruption here like any other place. I see on the news how Arabs called us the great Satan and we need to be brought down.

Now I have a better understanding. There is to much that the American citizens don't know about. My friend told me some things that sounded unbelievable. I just thought that he saw things from a skewed view.

I heard about this book, "John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by several people. I am listening to the audio version. Our country is evil. We engage into very corrupt events with the World bank system to collapse economies of countries. If these countries don't go along with what we are doing, then there is a team sent in to assassinate the leader. If that isn't successful, then our military is sent in.

It is time for us to wake up and understand what our country is doing. You have to read this book.

He mentions a situation at the end of Chapter 7 where he watched a guy with puppets. At the end of this, there was a little discussion about what he just saw. He engaged with a woman that was an English major in Indonesia. Between him, her, and a couple others in the group, here is what was said.

She told him that he does not understand what his country (the west, US is the leader of) is trying to do. The West is trying to become the greatest empire in history of all the world. They are declaring war against Islam. He didn't agree with it. Remember now this was back in the 70's. She told him that he doesn't know what his own historians have said. Arnold Toynbee said that the future war will be Christians vs Muslims and not Communists vs Capitalists. Toynbee wrote this in the 50's.

If you understand the Islamic culture, nothing can be superior over Islam. If it is, then this means Allah is not real because he says he will never bring them to humiliation. If you study history through today, you will see that Mosques always have to be much bigger and taller then any church or synagogue in the area.

This English student said, "We (Muslims) wait, we grow strong, and then like a snake we will strike."

There are people that say there is no real war that invovles Muslims attacking us or anything. I hope you see that this is not true.

While there is government sponsored terrorism, there also is a religion that wants to take the world by force of death.

Christianity is also trying to take the world but no longer by force of death.

Why is America (leader of the West) the Great Satan? I think they say this for several reasons. We have a lot of luxries, while others starve. We have a religion that is trying to be superior to theirs. The West is bankrupting and exploiting countries (theirs and others) for their own purpose of being superior.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Is There An Energy Crisis?

Lindsey Williams says there is enough oil in Alaska to supply the US for the next 200 years. I have heard that the government will not allow Alaska to supply the oil for the US even though they are begging for the work. It will bring so much money to the US and alaska.

This is Lindsey William's talk about his book, The Energy Non-Crisis. He says that Alaska has the largest oil pool in the world. We could be supplying the world's oil.

He says that the powers that be tell the Arabs what they are going to charge for a barrell of oil. We are made to think they are robbing us!

He also discusses the issues relating to Iran and Iraq. Why did we go after Saddam when Russia did worse things then Iraq? Why are we going after Iran? You will find out after watching these videos.

Part 1 of 8

Part 2 of 8

Part 3 of 8

Part 4 of 8

Part 5 of 8

Part 6 of 8

Part 7 of 8

Part 8 of 8

Iraq & Iran, The War for Oil

Ron Paul says that Saddam demanded Oil for Euros and that this is a key factor in the overthrow of his government. There was talk in 2000 in the government how they can attack Saddam and get him out. This is why he was pinned with 9/11 even though there is no proof that he had WMD's or any ties to 9/11.

Now Iran is demanding the same thing. They are going to mass produce oil and demand it be paid in Euros, not US dollars.

Wow, I haven't heard this before. It shakes up some things for me.

You have to watch this Speech by Ron Paul to the House on February 15, 2006.

Fiat Empire, A Closer Look at the Federal Reserve

Great video about our government and the Federal Reserve. The more of these types of videos that we watch, the better educated we will become. They quoted something that many people don't understand and know. As the government grows, the people lose more of their rights.

The government thinks it knows best for the people when actually it is so distance from the people and really doesn't.

If you want an excellent documentary to watch, you have to see the money masters. It takes you on a journey through history how the money system went from trading goods to printing paper. It is an eye opening experience and everyone must see it.

The video below is Fiat Empire, A closer look at the Federal Reserve. If it doesn't work, please click the link to view it.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

911 The Road to Tyranny

I am having a hard time trying to come up with words to say. Demoralizing, uhmm. Its very disturbing. I think it is around 1 hour 30 minutes, you will see training going on to prepare for camps and Martial Law. You just have to watch this whole thing.

Know that the camps are real. They are being rebuilt starting in 2006. I have seen news articles on them. Millions of dollars are being invested in putting camps back into commssion after they were decommissioned. There are people being moved to these camps without warning, warrants, or reason.

Families are being split up, Father in 1 camp, Mother in another, children in another.

Here is a question for you that is covered in this film. What is foreign and the request for foreign troops doing on the streets patrolling in the US? You will see a story where military men trying to disarm a police officer.

Discrepency in 911 The Road to Tyranny.

If you go to 1:25, you will hear Alex Jones talk about Christianity under attack by the government. In some sense this may be true. The problem though is that he says a couple things from the document, The Megiddo Project. He says that the document states, anyone believing in the 2nd coming of Christ, anyone that believes in Jesus Christ, that does home schooling, and any gun owners are considered a terrorist/hate group (1:26:32).

This is not the case. I read the whole document and it does not state that at all. I looked on the video screen and compared the page about the homes chooling to what I have and it matches. So I know we have the same document.

I really believe Alex Jones did not even read this whole document. If he did, then he would not be saying what he is saying. On the other hand, maybe he did read it and he wants to hype it up for his movie?

You can follow along with me on the Project Meggido on page 11. If you read paragraph 2, it talks about home schooling.

I will type it out here:

Under this hypothetical NWO/One World Government, the following events are to take place: 1) private property rights and private gun ownership will be abolished; 2) all national, state and local elections will become meaningless, since they will be controlled by the UN; 3) the US Constitution will be supplanted by the UN charter; 4) only approved churches and other places of worship will be permitted to operate and will become appendages of the One World Religion, which will be the only legitimate doctrine of religious beliefs and ethical values; 5) home schooling will be outlawed and all school curriculm will need to be approved by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and 6) American military bases and other federal facilities will be used as concentration camps by the UN to confine those patriots, including the militias, who defy the NWO.......

3rd Paragraph:

The NWO conspiracy theory is particularly relevant to the millennium because the year 200 is considered to be a triggering device for the NWO due to the element of computer breakdown.....

It is clear that the statements about gun owners and homeschoolers it talking about the hypothetical NWO One World Government . They are saying that this is what people believe will happen if the NWO comes into power. It says nothing about homeschoolers being considered this and this is the exact paragraph that Alex Jones uses.

In this document, they talk about people believing in the 2nd return of Christ. They specifically talk about people that believe it will happen in the year 2000 and that they are preparing for a war that they will initiate. These people are stock piling weapons and are preparing to fight. Some of these groups believe the government is the arm of Satan and will provoke a war against them.

This document says nothing about all Christians, or all that believe in the 2nd coming are terrorists. There is a problem though. Any group stockpiling guns will be watched. Stockpiling weapons is not illegal. The ATF was in violation when they swarmed the Waco Texas Compound. This document does not mention that but plays out the Waco Texas incident as those people were in violation. They also are dishonest about the OK city bombing and said that Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols acted alone when they know it isn't true.

Now I am really curious how many other documents Alex Jones has not quoted correctly. How much of his stuff is hyped up off of these inaccuracies. I am hoping that this is the only one but I have a feeling there is a lot of this going on with him.

Like he said at the end of his movie. "Look for yourself." The problem is that most people wont.

Diminish Dependence on Foreign Oil

If the government really wants to lower dependence on foreign oil, then why isn't this system talked about by government officials?

I think it probably is because you can make this at home and there is no regulations or taxes on it. I think it would be to much of a loss of money and power so they wont go for it.

If this is true, then do they really want to lower dependence?

Watch this process of making Bio-Diesel Fuel. $.70 a gallon.

Is the Real Conspiracy the Lie They Want You to Believe?

I am watching a lot of conspiracy theory videos. I watched loose change (more like loose marbles), watching terrorstorm right now, and lots of things on

I am thinking about something. We obviously can't trust any government right? That is what this research continues to uncover.

If the government is so powerful to control the media and commit these terrorist acts against people and get away with it, then how do we know that the documents they produce are true? Maybe these reports that are now unclassified are not true.

Maybe they are all part of the lie also. How do we know that this isn't the real conspiracy. All of the lies are fed to the news media, false documentation is put into the government reports and so on.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.

I know a guy that is a graphic artist. He worked for a government agency. He created a missle drawing that had several missles in it. The missle opens up and releases the missles on the inside.

It was put out on the government website. I asked him if it was a security risk to do that. He said no, we really don't have it but we want people to believe we do have it.

Could this be how they do a lot of things? Put things out on the net for people to believe and it really isn't true?

How else could college students with no detective skills uncover big government conspiracies and still be alive to talk about it?

This is the right way to do conspiracy theories. Ask questions but don't answer themselves if you don't really have an answer and don't try to make it up. Ask lots of questions to lots of people and gather data.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

American Airways 77 Flight Path

This animation (is suppose to be the one that) was put together by NTSB. If you pause it at 4:21, you will see that it says the plane is at Altitude 180. If you look at the things on the ground and the road, it does not look to be that low. Looks much higher then that.

Even at 180, is that low enough to hit light poles?

The VP's Pearl Harbor?

There are people that say the VP said we need another incident like Pearl Harbor to increase the countries security. I don't have the exact wording.

What I heard happened in Pearl Harbor was that the President knew that Japanese planes were coming to attack the US and didn't stop it in order to get the citizens on his side to go to war.

From this CSPAN video, the VP knew about the plane headed toward the Pentagon and he refused to allow it be shot down.

Is this his way of getting another Pearl Harbor?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Home Based Automated Business, Free

Everything cost money. The bankers want to take it all away from us. The people who have the most money run our country. This means that they have the say of what we can and can't do. The majority of the people have the power but coward away.

We need to make as much money as possible to make an impact. That includes things like what Aaron Russo is doing, traveling around promoting his movie. He is only able to do this movie and travel because he has the money. He also had the money to get the health treatment for cancer that he had. I think he had ozone therapy in Germany that cured his cancer.

The other thing is having something that isn't going to absorb all of your free time. You need time, money, and health.

Thats why I am working on this free homebased automated business. It will help to build an income, free up time, and bring good health.

The product is a nutracuetical that helps to keep people healthy. Most products don't do this. I know from experience. This product has changed my life. I have ADHD and it helped control my mood, help me sleep, concentrate, focus, and feel great!

Lets join together, make money, and fight to take our country back from the thieves that have taken power of it.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Book: Conspiracy of Internal Combustion

There are many things we can do today to stop using oil but it isn't only done by a small group of people. Edwin Black says that everything use to run off of electricity and cars that ran on gas was an alternative. He says that we don't need to reinvent these things, just go back to when they existed.

Anyway, why not hear it from him?

Real ID Act Deadline Extended, December 2009

I don't want this stupid ID. There are states rejecting it and we need all of them to do so. I don't know who to contact to reject this thing. Is it our congress people? Is it someone in the local DMV that rejects it. Please let me know this. I want Kansas to reject it and I need to know who to contact.

They changed the date from May 2008 to December 2009. We need to stop the government from overstepping their bounderies. It is part of the North American Union. Eventually the DMV data base with be tied with Canada and Mexico. They are trying to take it from a local government database to a national then international database.

If they had their way, it would have went from local straight to international database. The federal government wants this so bad that they said they will now contribute 20% to the states to implement this. Will this lure the states into doing it? They may be able to be bought with a price. We the people, let your voice be heard.

We have to stop it. Our power and voice is slipping away from us fast.

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Women's Lib, Under the Control of the Bankers

If you listen to Aaron Russo's talks, he mentions that Women's Lib was financed by the bankers like Rockefeller. Why did they do this? It allows them to tax the other half of the population that did not have an income, separate the family, and control the minds of the children in their created school system.

Ever wonder why there is a marriage tax? How about people on welfare having better benefits if the father isn't around? Women's Lib (Feminism) is a trojan horse used by the bankers to control us. Look at how many people have been tricked by this ploy.

Glenn Beck goes a little crazy on this show and probably could be sued for harrassment but he talks about this issue. He brings up Oprah Winfrey. If she is truly about Women's rights, then why isn't she doing something about the way Muslim Women are treated here in the US and the Middle East? Maybe she is doing something now or maybe not.

Once you understand this concept, you can understand why people like her are very successful and rich. They sold themselves out to the "beast", knowingly or unknowingly, I don't know. The beast is the central banking system that seeks to control the world under one power.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Conspiracy of Oklahoma City Bombing and World Trade Center

Wow, this is great. People always play down the conspiracy theorists. I think they over do so many things myself. What does Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R) California think about the conspiracy theorists and Oklahoma City bombing? I think CNN was shocked at the response.

He says there isn't a conspiracy between the first world trade center bombings and the Oklahoma city bombings, the government is surely making it look like there is.

North America Union on CNN

This is the North American Union on Lou Dobb's show. It is happening and it needs to be stopped. We can't keep losing our jobs an allowing our borders to be open like this.