Friday, March 02, 2007

Real ID Act Deadline Extended, December 2009

I don't want this stupid ID. There are states rejecting it and we need all of them to do so. I don't know who to contact to reject this thing. Is it our congress people? Is it someone in the local DMV that rejects it. Please let me know this. I want Kansas to reject it and I need to know who to contact.

They changed the date from May 2008 to December 2009. We need to stop the government from overstepping their bounderies. It is part of the North American Union. Eventually the DMV data base with be tied with Canada and Mexico. They are trying to take it from a local government database to a national then international database.

If they had their way, it would have went from local straight to international database. The federal government wants this so bad that they said they will now contribute 20% to the states to implement this. Will this lure the states into doing it? They may be able to be bought with a price. We the people, let your voice be heard.

We have to stop it. Our power and voice is slipping away from us fast.

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