Friday, March 02, 2007

Women's Lib, Under the Control of the Bankers

If you listen to Aaron Russo's talks, he mentions that Women's Lib was financed by the bankers like Rockefeller. Why did they do this? It allows them to tax the other half of the population that did not have an income, separate the family, and control the minds of the children in their created school system.

Ever wonder why there is a marriage tax? How about people on welfare having better benefits if the father isn't around? Women's Lib (Feminism) is a trojan horse used by the bankers to control us. Look at how many people have been tricked by this ploy.

Glenn Beck goes a little crazy on this show and probably could be sued for harrassment but he talks about this issue. He brings up Oprah Winfrey. If she is truly about Women's rights, then why isn't she doing something about the way Muslim Women are treated here in the US and the Middle East? Maybe she is doing something now or maybe not.

Once you understand this concept, you can understand why people like her are very successful and rich. They sold themselves out to the "beast", knowingly or unknowingly, I don't know. The beast is the central banking system that seeks to control the world under one power.


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