Monday, April 03, 2006

Day After Time Losing

I had a difficult time getting up today. That time change yesterday really put a hurting on me. I thought it was Sunday and I was ready to go back to sleep. For some reason I realized it was Monday and I got out of bed. I went to get in the shower like I normally do and the hot water was gone. My roomate must have stayed on the shower all morning. I made a huge accomplishment this weekend. I cleaned my room. This is huge. It took 4 hours to do and I had someone help.

At times it was very frustrating and I was ready to quit. Other times I was tired and didn't want to do anymore. This is where the extra support helped. I had boxes and papers, dust "bunnies" everywhere. My desk was cluttered with stuff piled up. Before I could barely walk around my room. Now I can jump around in my room if I want to.

I have to clean out my closet and the bathroom and it will be done. There are a few little things I still have to put away and I really need a file cabinet for my files. That is a big need right now. It sucks that I am not making much money or I could run out and buy one.

The VP of HR sent my resume to a couple people for me. I am hoping something comes up soon. It isn't easy looking for a job and also working for less than what I should be making when I am struggling financially. It hurts.


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