Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Out in the Cold

Yesterday was a strange day. I received a call from a guy that runs a computer supply warehouse for a job. I went and met with him and I think he wanted to hire me. I am not sure. He speaks broken English. He wanted to know when I would be able to start. May 1 was my answer. Ok, so far that is the last thing I heard. I don't know what is happening with that job. I get another call later on. It was about the job with my school. I have a phone interview today.

As I was leaving for the day, the onsite manager tells me that my last day at Medi-Flex is....April 30th. So that means I need a job to start on May 1. That is less than 2 weeks away. I am hoping to have something by than and not have to take a pay cut. I am already under paid and can't afford it.


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