Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some People

I had a few opportunities this week with jobs. I had 2 interviews. 1 was a phone interview and the other was a face to face. The face to face one was with a company that sells computer parts to dealers. The position is in sales. I told the guy I was speaking with that I was in school. He didn't ask about my schedule. He decided that he wanted me to work for the company. I forgot about telling my schedule so I sent him an email to tell him I go to school till May 17th on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8-9am.

The work schedule is 8:30-5:30pm. I would only miss 45 minutes of work the first 2 weeks on those days. He said that the schedule will not change for me. I was suppose to start in 2 weeks, but looks like that isn't going to happen. The job didnt pay much and I also found out that I have to wear a suite and tie. Doesnt sound like a good deal to me. I had to turn it down.

I am still looking for work. I have till 5/1 so that there wont be a gap in my work. Can I do it?


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