Thursday, April 27, 2006

Worst Season? No Allergies Here

I came across this news article about the worst allergy season in Years. If you click on the link, it will take you there. I am an allergy sufferer. Red eyes, itchy, runny nose, cough, sneezing, and everything else. This year, nothing. Amazing isn't it. Is it a miracle? I doubt it. It is from the USANA products that I have been taking. There are doing a very good job of controlling my allergies.

Here is what I take:
Essentials - 1 3x's a day
Proflavanol 90 - 1 3x's a day.

That is it. No medication. How much does it cost me? About $70-$80 a month. Imagine that. No doctor visits, no co pays, no refills needed. I don't get sick, or anything. So there is no time lost at work. I don't have short/long term affects from the medications, because I don't take any.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What a day?

I am not sure why but I am feeling very good today. I shouldn't or should I? Friday is my last day at Medi-Flex and I have nothing lined up. I have tried over the last 2 months to have something but I have been unsuccessful. I met with a guy yesterday who may have something for me but he says he does. I have heard that over and over. There is a new guy here at the company and I am suppose to train him on everything I do. What have I taught him so far in 2 days, just about nothing. I am not going to give away all my secrets that I learned myself so they can abuse me and use me and lie to me. They want to pay this guy $10 an hour more than me to do the same thing I do, let them spend a lot of money to figure out what I know. Isn't it usually the other way around? Bring someone in making less?

Maybe that is what's different about this place. They bring in the highly qualified and kick out the under qualified. Who knows.

Sounds like the sad saga of many people's lives in the technical world. The funny thing is that this company is suppose to be different than ever other one. Why is it that I feel like this one has been like all the rest.?,? hmmmm....... I have been suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. I didn't realize it until I learned about it in psychology class. This whole experience with having a job and my future brightening up for me and than crashing quickly before my eyes in a couple month period was traumatic. I knew I was suffering but I didn't know it had a label.

What does that mean? Nothing besides I probably could go get medication. No way! Not for me. Anyway, this one opportunity this guy sounds really good and will pay me a lot more than what I am making now, so I am really hoping it works out. He said the owner is a 29 year old millionaire and has several companies. That is the guy I want to hang out with. I am a 28 year old poor person with a lot of potential.

I did find out from a friend how to run a business and make $40,000 - $50,000 a year and only fork out a couple hundred $$'s to get started. I am going to be thinking about that every day.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some People

I had a few opportunities this week with jobs. I had 2 interviews. 1 was a phone interview and the other was a face to face. The face to face one was with a company that sells computer parts to dealers. The position is in sales. I told the guy I was speaking with that I was in school. He didn't ask about my schedule. He decided that he wanted me to work for the company. I forgot about telling my schedule so I sent him an email to tell him I go to school till May 17th on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8-9am.

The work schedule is 8:30-5:30pm. I would only miss 45 minutes of work the first 2 weeks on those days. He said that the schedule will not change for me. I was suppose to start in 2 weeks, but looks like that isn't going to happen. The job didnt pay much and I also found out that I have to wear a suite and tie. Doesnt sound like a good deal to me. I had to turn it down.

I am still looking for work. I have till 5/1 so that there wont be a gap in my work. Can I do it?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Health Group

I post information in my group. Please be a part of it. I am talking about alternatives to medication. The link is listed on the side for reference at any time.

Out in the Cold

Yesterday was a strange day. I received a call from a guy that runs a computer supply warehouse for a job. I went and met with him and I think he wanted to hire me. I am not sure. He speaks broken English. He wanted to know when I would be able to start. May 1 was my answer. Ok, so far that is the last thing I heard. I don't know what is happening with that job. I get another call later on. It was about the job with my school. I have a phone interview today.

As I was leaving for the day, the onsite manager tells me that my last day at Medi-Flex is....April 30th. So that means I need a job to start on May 1. That is less than 2 weeks away. I am hoping to have something by than and not have to take a pay cut. I am already under paid and can't afford it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Testing, Testing, 1,2,3,

I had to go and take a test yesterday for a job at the local community college. One of the test was a typing test. Why do I need a typing test for a computer tech job? I don't know. Usually I do ok with these test. My concentration and retention ability seems to slow me down a little. I do 65-68 wpm with about 3-5 errors. Yesterday I typed 69 wpm with 0 errors. That is exciting. I did very well with concentrating and focusing. That is the best I have ever done. I have only been on the USANA supplements for a couple months now. I can't wait to see how things go a few more months from now. They really have been helping me a lot.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Better Day

I had a really rough day yesterday. I was depressed all day about my situation. It really hurts what has been done to me. Today I am fighting to move forward. I didn't want to come to work today and I wasn't going to but I have off 2 days next week and I wont be paid for either one. So I decided to come to work. It is always good to know that I am not the only person that is upset by what is happening to me at work.

Why does life have to revovle so much around a job?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Is This The Way Life Is?

I have been depressed the last couple days. I hate the way life is going right now. It is difficult to find a job and the ones I find don't pay very much. I already have a hard time paying my bills as it is. I just love it how everyone says, "Everything is going to be Ok." The problem is that everything is not ok. I have been through things like this before. Maybe in the future it will be ok, but what about now? I'd rather not end up someplace like Transamerica again. That place is a nightmare.

I found out that last week I overdrafted my account 5 times. Now thats fun.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Too Early

This whole time change over is making my day to early. I am having such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I can't wait to adjust to this. Today I am meeting with one of the directors at Medi-Flex. We had a discussion a while back about this whole situation I am in. He wasn't happy about it all and he wants to talk about the end result after talking with HR and my previous manager. He is such a wonderful guy. At least I will have a good conversation with him. I don't know that anything will come as a result of it, but I will find out.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Day After Time Losing

I had a difficult time getting up today. That time change yesterday really put a hurting on me. I thought it was Sunday and I was ready to go back to sleep. For some reason I realized it was Monday and I got out of bed. I went to get in the shower like I normally do and the hot water was gone. My roomate must have stayed on the shower all morning. I made a huge accomplishment this weekend. I cleaned my room. This is huge. It took 4 hours to do and I had someone help.

At times it was very frustrating and I was ready to quit. Other times I was tired and didn't want to do anymore. This is where the extra support helped. I had boxes and papers, dust "bunnies" everywhere. My desk was cluttered with stuff piled up. Before I could barely walk around my room. Now I can jump around in my room if I want to.

I have to clean out my closet and the bathroom and it will be done. There are a few little things I still have to put away and I really need a file cabinet for my files. That is a big need right now. It sucks that I am not making much money or I could run out and buy one.

The VP of HR sent my resume to a couple people for me. I am hoping something comes up soon. It isn't easy looking for a job and also working for less than what I should be making when I am struggling financially. It hurts.