Thursday, April 27, 2006

Worst Season? No Allergies Here

I came across this news article about the worst allergy season in Years. If you click on the link, it will take you there. I am an allergy sufferer. Red eyes, itchy, runny nose, cough, sneezing, and everything else. This year, nothing. Amazing isn't it. Is it a miracle? I doubt it. It is from the USANA products that I have been taking. There are doing a very good job of controlling my allergies.

Here is what I take:
Essentials - 1 3x's a day
Proflavanol 90 - 1 3x's a day.

That is it. No medication. How much does it cost me? About $70-$80 a month. Imagine that. No doctor visits, no co pays, no refills needed. I don't get sick, or anything. So there is no time lost at work. I don't have short/long term affects from the medications, because I don't take any.


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