Monday, July 24, 2006

Another Job Down the Drain

After Medi-Flex pushed me out the door, for no good reason, I found another job and started working a week later. I worked for a company called API Inc or API Battery, whatever they call it. What did I do for them?

Let me try to explain it. The company installs monitor systems for battery back up power to critical power supplies. Companies like the military, Bank of America, HCA, DST, and so on have computer services, equipment and things like that that need to have constant and unchanging power.

These batteries supply power if the utility power goes out and then a generator kicks on to take over.

What I did was install the monitor systems and sometimes maintain the batteries and replace some. I traveled around the US to the job sites. The last 3 weeks I have been at the home office and not traveling much. The home office is in Lee's Summit. What happened?

I am not sure. I was fired but for a reason that they had no proof or documentation of. I asked for proof and documentation repeatedly but they said they didnt have anyway. Here is the reasons for letting me go.

A couple reasons. I was typing an email during training one day and my boss told me to close out of it. Later my gf called and I left the room to find out what she wanted. He came out and told me to get back in training (about a minute later). Later on I had my email open again and he said to close it.

Then he said I have problems focusing and doing my job right on job sites. The problem is that he could only come up with 1 job site that I had a problem with (but still couldnt prove that the problem that resulted was from me) and I have traveled to 6 or 7 job sites and I worked with a bunch of different people and only 1 complained. He also said that he would give me things to do at the office and I wouldnt do them and I would wonder off somewhere. By the way, we have a very small office. It is as big as a small house with a big garage. The only way to wander off is to hide under a desk or in the bathroom. I told him to give me one example of where he told me to do something and I didn't do it. He couldnt give me one and he said, but you know what I am talking about. So I said, no I dont. So anyway, even though he couldnt come up with any proof of anything, he said, everything I said are facts.

So again, I said, it is not facts. If you cant give me proof of any of this, it is not facts. I refused to sign the termination paper and I told him that I wasnt going too with something on there that is not true. He highly suggested several times that I sign it. He said it is in my best interest to do so. Not sure how that is.

He also complained that I wasnt focusing and paying attention in training. The only thing is that I complained several days in a row about how hot and humid it was in the room and I couldnt focus because of it. Not only that, but most of the people in the room were falling a sleep.

So anyway, I told him I have no problems with leaving but he has no proof to his claims. He said he should have documented stuff. Here is the real kicker, no one ever said anything to me about anything. If I was doing something wrong, no one ever said I was doing something wrong. So they left me hanging out there. I told him that this was the first time I heard about any of this and that is not right. Also, if I was not doing assigned work, why did they hang on to me for the 3 weeks that I was working at the home office? If I wasnt doing what he said but yet they kept me everyday? Doesnt make sense.

I received 1 warning, that was on Friday about the training situation and then I was fired at the end of the day.

I was ready to leave anyway. I didnt want to put my life on the line any longer worker with the dangerous electricity. I worked there for almost 3 months and never had electrical safety training, they didnt provide protective gloves, and I didnt have insulated tools to work with.

So I am going to get unemployment and look for a job.


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